  • EC/PH 모니터링 및 제어시스템
  • 시스템특징

    • Always monitoring EC/pH values

    • Always check out concentration of nutrient/substrate solution and adjust its value without delay

    • 1 output under the setting value of EC(mixing for nutrient solution can be usable)

    • 1 output under the setting value of pH(mixing for nutrient solution can be usable)

    • It can be connected to PC and keep the data stored(option)

    • As a detachable type, it can be moved if necessary

  • Specification
    of the
    EC Sensor 4-pole sensor
    Measuring range 4 ~ 20mA(0.0 ~ 19.9 Sm/cm)
    Temperature to be used 0.0℃ ~ 80℃
    Material Case(PVC), electrode(SUS 316)
    TYPE Screw(attachable type)
    pH Sensor Combined glass electrode
    Measuring range 4 ~ 20mA(0.0 ~ 13.9 pH
    Temperature to be used 0.0℃ ~ 45℃
    Monitor Mono LCD 128 pixels * 64 pixels
  • EC/PH 모니터링 및 제어시스템 제품이미지